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~Updated June, 2002~
By Notifications Received by Paul Goodyear

All corrections or additions welcome!
Please, contact
Paul Goodyear

New email address for Paul Goodyear


Donald Albitz, DIV 6
John Armstrong, DIV S
Richard Artley, DIV N
Paul Aschbrenner, DIV 2
Maury Atkins


Alvin Barker, DIV 6
Edwin Baumgart, DIV M
Walter Becker, DIV M
R.M. Bentley, DIV A
Simon Bernsden
Donald Bertrand, DIV 6
Lesley Bickley, DIV B
George Bierman, USMC
Jimmy Black, USMC
Claude Blondin, Cook
Leonard Blomstedt
Robert Boren, DIV 1
James Bounds, DIV N
Ray Bowden, DIV 8
William Brashier, USMC
Ray Brewer, USMC
Garth Brown, DIV 3
George Brown, DIV S
Roland Burr
Eugene Byers, DIV 1


Bob Carlson, Band
William Carpenter, DIV 5
Frank Carson
Roy Carter, DIV CR
Jacob Chassereau, DIV 6
George Coburn
Wm. Coffman, DIV 1
John Cole, DIV 6
Arnold Cornwell, USMC
Charles Curtis, DIV 6
Ray Cymerman, DIV C


Francis Danneels, DIV 8
Irvan Davenport, DIV 5
John Davenport
Russell Davenport, DIV 4
George De Long, DIV N
Joe Denton
Gordon Douglass, DIV C
Arthur Dunn, DIV 2
James Dunn, DIV M
Lewis Egnatovich, DIV M
James Ehlert, DIV 6
John Engen, BAND
Garlen Eslick, DIV 4
Bernard Farley, DIV 6
Howard French
Alvah Gillett
Nelson Glidewell, DIV 6
Orville Godwin, DIV 6
Ralph Goodwin, DIV 1
Paul Goodyear, DIV C
John Grand Pre, DIV B
John Guoan


Horace Harrelson, DIV A
Harold Harris, DIV R
John Hausladen< USMC
Lloyd Heffernan, DIV R
Herman Hinrichs, DIV B
Clyde Hixon, DIV 3
Melvin Hoffman, DIV 5
Frank Howland, DIV 5
Harold Hunt
Harry Hunt
Richard Husted, BAND
James Huston, DIV 3


Derrell Ingram, DIV 4


Chester Jankowski, DIV 4
Harold Johnson, DIV 4
Herman Jones
Charles Jurashen


Jesse Kalman
Keifer, DIV 2
Leon Kolb, DIV 1
Stanley Koslowski
Kenneth Krause, DIV 1
Don Krell, DIV 4
Melvin Kuhn, DIV C


Alva Lankford, DIV 3,
Don Lester, DIV 6
Henry Long
Don Lowery, USMC


Jesse Mahaffey, DIV 5
Charles Mallon, USMC
Harry Mathieson, DIV A
Louis Mathieson, DIV A
Charles Mc Beth, DIV 6
John Mc Dowell, DIV 4
Jack Mc Fall, DIV A
John Mc Ginty, DIV B
Clayton Mc Quay, DIV 4
Herbert Meyer
Louis Meyer, DIV 3
Don Miller, DIV 1
Jack Miller, DIV 4


Johnnie Nelson
Frank Noonan


Donald Ollom, USMC


Francis Parkinson, DIV B
Delbert Pittman, DIV 3
Samuel Polston
Westley Potts, DIV 4


Don Rahlfs, DIV 4
Duane Reyelts
Clifford Reynolds, DIV 6
Ray Richmond, DIV 5
Charles Risher, USMC
Norman Roberts, DIV C
John Ruff
David Russell
Robert Rayburn, DIV C


James Saul, DIV B
Richard Schlink, DIV H
Dale Schreiner, DIV 5
Harry Scott, DIV 4
James Scott, DIV A
Sidney Sherwin, DIV 3
George Simmons, DIV 6
George Smith, DIV 5
Marion Smith, DIV 2
Walt Smith, DIV 6
Frank Spenser, DIV C
Joseph Splitler, DIV 4
Chris Stapleton, DIV C
Michael Stecz, DIV N
Roy Stewart, DIV 4
Finch Stowell


Gordon Tengwall, DIV 5
Irvin Thesman, DIV E
John Thomas, DIV 1
John Tomlinson, DIV 4
Ray Turner, GIG
Ray Turpin, USMC


Aubrey Valentine
Carl Van Alstine, USMC
Melvin Vaughn, DIV F
Edward Vezey, DIV 8
Wayne Vickrey, DIV C
Ray Vidito, DIV C
Walter Vollmer, DIV 3


Edward Wallace, USMC
Homer Ward, DIV 4
William Washam, MoA
William Waters, DIV 4
Arlos Waugh
Leo Wears, USMC
Wilber Webb, AIR
Bernard Weber, DIV 1
Gordon West, DIV 5
Robert West, DIV N
Richard Whitman, DIV 4
Mayland Wilcox, DIV B
Ira Williams, DIV 3
Ted Woodward, DIV 6
Ray Wosick< DIV 6

~Y~ Steve Young, DIV 4


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